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Can my pet or dog have Coronavirus? How to prevent it?

can my pet or dog have coronavirus how to prevent it

To the question about whether our dog, cat or pet can have Covid-19, the answer is yes . Cases such as a tiger in the Bronx Zoo in New York, or a cat in Belgium have already been counted. But for now they seem quite isolated cases.

According to OiE (World Organization For Animal Health) research, cats and dogs can be infected by COVID-19, just like ferrets. However, it appears that pigs and poultry are not susceptible to being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Cats are more prone to the disease than dogs and can also transmit the disease to other cats

Remember that before making any decision about the health of your pet you should always consult the vet

Can my pet infect me with Covid 19?

The risk of contagion of the coronavirus in pets is very low , with only a few cases detected in companion animals, and there are no detected cases of people who have been infected by their pets.

In fact, the World Organization for Animal Health states that “there is no evidence that a dog, cat or any pet can transmit COVID-19 to people” , you can read the full report at this link

Can my pet transmit the virus through its skin or fur?

At this time, there is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can spread to people from the skin or fur of pets.

Is it advisable to test my pet for coronavirus?

No. At this time, testing for COVID-19 in animals is not recommended.

Can a person infect a dog or animal with the coronavirus?

Although unlikely, there is a small chance that a person with Covid-19 could transmit the virus to certain animals. We now know that tigers (and probably lions) are susceptible to it, and cats and dogs too.

It appears that dogs and cats are not easily infected with COVID-19, and there is no evidence that they become ill, nor is there evidence that those who may be naturally infected transmit SARS-CoV-2 to other pets or people.

If I have the coronavirus, what precautions should I take with my pet?

If you are infected with the Coronavirus , as a precaution and until more is known about this virus, you should restrict contact with pets and other animals, just as you would restrict your contact with other people.

  • If you can, have another family member take care of feeding and caring for your pets.
  • Avoid contact with your pet, such as petting, snuggling, being kissed or licked, and sharing food.
  •  If you have to take care of animals on a livestock farm, do so by wearing a mask and trying as little contact as possible with the animals.
  • Do not forget to wash your hands before and after any contact with your pet or other animals.

Stay healthy around your pet and other animals

There is currently no evidence in both Europe and the US to suggest that any animal, including pets, livestock, or wild animals, could be a source of COVID-19 infection at this time.

However, because all animals can carry germs that can be passed on to people, it is always advisable to maintain healthy habits with pets and other animals. Always remember:

  • Wash hands after handling animals, their food, waste or supplies.
  • Maintain proper hygiene for your pet.
  • Consult with your veterinarian if you have questions about your pet’s health.
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I love the animals. Reading and writing about them, their customs, their peculiarities or the attention they require is exciting, and I also believe that it makes us better people. I share articles that solve the questions that dog caregivers face on a daily basis.

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