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Can the German Shepherd Eat Grapes? What you should know!

german shepherd eating grapes

One sunny afternoon I was enjoying some juicy grapes in the garden, which made me wonder if it would be okay to give my German Shepherd a grape or two. I decided to do some research and this is what I found …

Can the German Shepherd Eat Grapes? Grapes and raisins are toxic to German Shepherds and all breeds of dogs. Although dogs are carnivores, they may eat some fruit occasionally, however, grapes should be strictly avoided. Grape and raisin poisoning can cause sudden kidney failure that can be fatal to dogs.

It is not yet known exactly which substance in grapes causes the reaction in some dogs and research is ongoing. So what exactly do we know about grapes and dogs? More importantly, what should you do if your German Shepherd eats one?

How many grapes are toxic to dogs?

We all know that grapes are good for us humans, but what exactly makes them good? Grapes are a source of fiber, potassium, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are also low in calories and have virtually no fat.

Grapes are known to prevent heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. They contain a lot of water and are refreshing to eat, especially in the summer months. Grapes are a good food source for people like you and me, but NOT for German Shepherds, or indeed any breed of dog, large or small.

As for how many grapes a dog can eat before getting sick, there is no definitive answer and there is no way to predict this. It is a very gray area since, like humans, each dog is unique and will react differently. We do not know what the exact minimum dose is.

I found that as a very general guideline, a dangerous dose can be one or two grapes for a dog that weighs 10 pounds or three or four grapes for a dog that weighs 20 pounds or more. In addition to this, raisins are more concentrated and therefore less of them is needed to cause problems.

Since scientists don’t know exactly what causes toxicity, whether it could be a pesticide or fungus, your German Shepherd should avoid all types of grapes, whether they are red, green, purple, seedless, or even peeled.

Raisins are also a definite NO as they are more concentrated. This also includes other dry variants like sultanas and currants and any foods that contain small amounts of grapes, for example raisin cereal, trail mix, granola, and baked goods. All of these are potential sources of poison. So be careful if you leave raisin cookies around!

There is no way to determine how your German Shepherd will react to grapes, so it is wise to avoid them entirely.

What if my dog ​​eats a grape?

Here are some signs and symptoms to look out for if you suspect your dog has eaten some grapes, courtesy of Pet MD . Some of them may appear a few hours after poisoning:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Unusual tranquility
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dehydration
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased, decreased, or absent urine output
  • Bad breath
  • Oral ulcers
  • Kidney failure
  • Tremors, seizures, or coma

If your German Shepherd has eaten grapes or raisins, treatment can be critical, so treat this as an emergency.

Do not waste time. It is best to contact your veterinarian or the pet poison hotline for immediate advice.

As there are still many unknown factors associated with grape poisoning, it is best not to take any risks when it comes to the health of your German Shepherd.

As with any toxin, the earlier the poisoning is diagnosed and treated, the less dangerous it will be for your dog and the less expensive it will be for you. We all know how expensive vet expenses can be!

What do I do if my dog ​​eats a grape?

If your dog has eaten a grape in the last two hours, he may be advised to make him vomit as soon as possible before all the toxins in the fruit can be absorbed. If your dog has already been sick, don’t try to make him vomit again. Listen to the advice given, even if you are not sure how many grapes your German Shepherd has eaten.

Your vet can instruct you on how to make your German Shepherd vomit before you take him for treatment. This first aid you give your dog can be critical in protecting his kidneys from any long-term damage.

On the other hand, you may be initially advised not to induce vomiting if your German Shepherd has trouble breathing, shows signs of distress or shock or has lost consciousness, or if you are not sure whether your dog ate some grapes or not!

If it is recommended that you try to make your dog vomit at home, then you will need to take the following steps as advised by Pet MD :

  • If your dog hasn’t eaten in the last two hours, give him a small meal. This can make your dog vomit but is not essential if your dog is not interested in eating.
  • Measure 1 milliliter (ml) of 3% hydrogen peroxide (available at pharmacies) per pound of your dog’s weight, using a syringe or a teaspoon (one teaspoon contains approximately 5 ml). The maximum amount of hydrogen peroxide that can be administered at any one time is 45 ml, even if your dog weighs more than 45 pounds.
  • Squirt the hydrogen peroxide into the back of your dog’s mouth with a syringe. You can use a turkey squirt if you don’t have a syringe.
  • If your dog does not vomit in fifteen minutes, repeat the process using the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. However, do not do it more than twice and wait fifteen minutes between them.

Whether or not your German Shepherd vomits, you should rush him to see the vet immediately. The vet may need to wash your dog’s stomach or give him some activated charcoal to treat any toxins that are still present, as this will help absorb the contents of your dog’s stomach.

Your dog may also need more IV fluids. This will help flush the toxin from the bloodstream and stimulate your dog’s kidneys to keep producing urine.

The vet can administer medications to reduce vomiting and maintain your dog’s kidneys. There is no specific antidote if your dog eats grapes or raisins, and the only thing the vet can do is support your dog’s kidneys in the best possible way.

Prevention is the best advice. Keep grapes (and their dried variants) completely out of reach as most dogs will eat almost anything if given half a chance! I like to keep mine in the fridge because I know they are safe there.

Remember to pick up any grapes or raisins that fall to the ground as some dogs can be like a mini vacuum cleaner! Also, keep them away from any surface that your German Shepherd can access, such as the kitchen table or countertops.

It is a good idea to ensure that family members and close friends are also aware of the toxic nature of grapes and raisins. I like to explain to them the serious damage they can cause. This is especially important if they are not dog owners, as they may not be aware of how serious it can be.

What other foods are poisonous to German Shepherds?

All dog lovers know that it can be nice to give your dog a snack from time to time, however you need to make sure the food is non-toxic.

These are other foods that you MUST AVOID as they are highly poisonous to dogs. It is not an exhaustive list but covers the main ones:

  • Alcohol
  • Avocado
  • Caffeine
  • Cherries
  • Chocolate
  • it
  • Grapes
  • Leek
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Moldy food
  • Onions
  • Rhubarb
  • Tomatoes
  • Raw potato
  • Shall
  • Star fruit
  • Mushrooms
  • Xylitol (sweetener)
  • Yeast dough


You and I know that our German Shepherds cannot eat grapes or raisins. To find out more about other foods that are poisonous to German Shepherds , this article provides a lot of useful information and contains some hidden dangers (as they are not so obvious) that you really NEED to know!

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I love the animals. Reading and writing about them, their customs, their peculiarities or the attention they require is exciting, and I also believe that it makes us better people. I share articles that solve the questions that dog caregivers face on a daily basis.

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