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How to introduce a baby to a German Shepherd dog

how to introduce baby german shepherd dog

Having a baby will change your life and part of your habits, but if you have a German shepherd or another dog as a pet, the appearance of a new member in the family can cause a problem if the introduction of the newcomer with the dog is not done. by way of .

Your pet has established behavior patterns and marked territories . If we suddenly introduce a baby who cries and takes up most of the time of the other members of the house in his life, all the patterns of the German shepherd are altered and can cause the dog to feel jealous of the newcomer to the family. However, if the baby-dog introduction is done properly, it should not present any problem and the dog will soon see the child as one of the family and will protect it as it does with the others.

Dogs can be jealous of babies

Regardless of the breed of the dog, the reaction that the animal will have to the presence of a new member in the family will depend on how the situation is handled . There are many cases of dogs with an apparently normal character and with a balanced behavior that have become jealous when a new baby enters the house.

With the arrival of the baby, the German Shepherd can start to act in a different way to attract attention and even be aggressive towards whoever he thinks is stealing this attention. If the dog before the baby’s arrival was already defiant with people or other pets who want to interact with you, it could present these symptoms with the appearance of the child.

They do this because they fear losing your love and attention. And to keep it and / or recover it, they try to eliminate any other rival. For most other pets and adults, this is a situation they can control, but babies are unable to cope.

Preparing your dog for the baby’s arrival

The best way to prevent dog jealousy is to resolve the problem before it develops . This means setting limits, preparing routines, and creating the right atmosphere for the new situation.

Among the preparations you can make are:

  • Talk to a Behavior Specialist: Getting special help in preparing a home for a new baby is vital when it comes to pet dogs. A specialist in behavior how dogs react, so they can advise you on what adjustments to make.
  • Set boundaries and zones: This includes areas where the dog cannot go like the child’s room or other areas where you would like to have the baby without the dog. First of all, the dog must be clear that they cannot enter these areas without your permission. You can let him sniff around under your supervision, but make sure he leaves when asked and doesn’t come in without being told.
  • Make him know the baby’s scent: After birth, but before the mother and child come home, introduce the baby’s scent to the dog through a cloth or other element. Make sure they understand that the cloth is not theirs and that they have to come to you to smell it. Clear ownership rules are essential at this stage.
  • Reinforce behaviors and rules: Make sure the pet behaves well and is in a state of submission. This is a good time to practice, correct small mistakes, and reestablish strong leadership. This also means rewarding submissive and calm behavior compared to more hyperactive states.
  • Work and set a new schedule: Having a baby is going to change your life and probably that of the German Shepherd, but this can lead to insecurity and jealousy on the part of the dog. Instead of making a sudden change in habits once the baby is at home, try to change habits such as time for the walk, etc. gradually. In this way the appearance of the baby will cause fewer changes in your routine.
  • Socialize the dog with babies and children: If possible, allow the dog to hear your baby’s sound before he comes home. In addition, it is good to expose your dog to new sounds, smells and energies by allowing him to interact with other children, always under surveillance.

Control the first contact

Leadership and control are most necessary during the first introduction . This means finding the right time for the first contact with the child and thus maximizing the chances that the dog will accept the new baby as part of the family without feeling jealous.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Go on a long walk to drain your German Shepherd’s energy.
  • Meanwhile, the rest of the family takes the baby home.
  • When you return, pause for a moment at the door, make sure the dog is calm and submissive before entering.
  • Whoever is holding the baby should be in a calm and relaxed state of mind.
  • Let the dog sniff from a respectful distance, but not too close at first.
  • Let him come slowly over time, so he knows that the baby is another leader.

Things to keep in mind

Your dog needs attention too. Never forget the dog . This does not mean excessive displays of affection or new toys, but simply staying in the routine.

Providing your pet with long daily walks and leadership signs will keep him happy and confident.

Your child will grow up fast: This means that they will begin to crawl, touch and interact with the world and this world includes the dog. Supervise all interactions between him and your dog, so that you both know each other and do not hurt each other, we all know that babies love to pull their tails!

Dogs pick up your energy and mood – if you are excited, worried, or nervous about the impending birth and new situation, your dog will pick up on it and may reflect it by being restless and more aggressive.

Family safety always comes first

First of all, the safety of your newborn child, as well as other children, is the most important of all. If, even after seeking professional advice and dog therapy, you don’t trust your dog to be around your baby, find a new home for him.

This will protect both the well-being and safety of your child and the mental well-being of your pet. It sounds like a bit drastic, but it is surely the best solution for everyone.

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I love the animals. Reading and writing about them, their customs, their peculiarities or the attention they require is exciting, and I also believe that it makes us better people. I share articles that solve the questions that dog caregivers face on a daily basis.

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